We grow exceptional biking experiences.

Our Mission

Our Vision

A community where everyone from 2 to 102 can safely have more fun on bikes.

The Black Hills Bike Hub unites cyclists from all disciplines to build a community around riding bikes! The Hub is your all-purpose bike group for events, trail-building projects, advocacy, providing education, and more. With a mission of growing exceptional biking experiences in Rapid City and the Black Hills, we want to hear what would make riding better for you. How can BHBH help YOU have more fun on bikes?

As an International Mountain Biking Association chapter, all of our members automatically gain access to all the benefits of IMBA membership, including discounts with national brands and resources to grow your capacity for community impact. IMBA membership also allows BHBH to access trail grants, training, trail-building resources, and a wide array of support to help us help you.

BHBH is the hub for our members to come together and collaborate towards a common goal. If you have a project with passion behind it, we want to provide the organizational backing to help you bring your vision to fruition. Follow us on social media or join our email list to stay informed and get involved!

The Team

Doc Savage


Emily Berry

Vice President

Brittany Neiles


Evan Walterman


Weston Neiffer

Director of Trails

Eric Clayborn

Director of Technology

Trent Hullihen

Membership Coordinator

Different pedals, same path.