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Bikepacking Overnighter Series - Stop #3 - Rapid City

We're happy to share more details on the third stop of our Bikepacking Series! This time we’re sticking around Rapid City. There are lots of trails, gravel roads and wide-shouldered paved roads in the area so the options are endless! We will shoot to keep routes to +/-20 miles per day and the whole experience will be right at or under 24 hours! We'll be sticking to the format of a single–track focused set of routes and a gravel/forest service focused option. Pick which bike/riding style appeals to you! Both routes will begin at a location TBD at 1:00 PM on Saturday and take riders out into the hills and into camp for the evening at Sheridan Lake North Cove Group Campground DD1. Each option includes a different route back to the start point on Sunday morning. We will be just a short walk away from Sheridan Lake, so there will be a chance to cool off after the ride in! Start point and route details will go live a little more than 1 week before the event!

If you're on the fence, come on out! This will be the last chance for a bit as we will be taking September off. We plan to be out in October and continue our series through the cooler months!

Please complete the registration/questionnaire by Thursday August 22nd This helps us know how many riders to expect on each route, so we can ensure everyone has a great time. Our group campsite has room for up to 30 riders so we hope to see you out there!

Singletrack - Start on Saturday 8/24 at 1 PM
Saturday 8/24 -
Sunday 8/25 -

Gravel/Forest Service Roads - Start on Saturday 8/24 at 1 PM
Saturday 8/24 -
Sunday 8/25 -
We highly recommend 2" or larger tires for this route.

Please come prepared for this event with a helmet, maintained bike and basic gear to ensure you have a good time! This event requires more preparation than a typical bike ride, below is our recommended minimum loadout:
-Camping: Sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and tent/shelter/rainfly of your preference.
-Water: About 100 oz/3 Liters, there will be water at the campground for dinner and day 2. A water filter is highly encouraged.
-Nutrition: Bring plenty of snacks! Plan for at least one snack per hour of riding (≈4 miles). Bring your own meals for dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday.
-Clothing: We would recommend bringing a rain jacket and other layers for the potential temperature swings. Keep an eye on the forecast! We will be just a short walk from Sheridan Lake, so pack a swimsuit!
-Navigation: Both routes will generally stay together as a group, but it is advised to have the route downloaded on a bike computer and/or your phone.
-All the tools, tubes and spares you would normally bring with you on a long day ride.
-Finally, don’t forget to bring an open mind and good attitude for what will likely be a challenging but rewarding experience!

Don’t have all the gear you need but want to join us at this event? We have an amazing network of riders with more gear than we can use, so reach out and we will do our best to help close the gear gap to make this ride possible for you!

This event is open to all current Black Hills Bike Hub Members. If you aren’t a member already – head to to Join!

August 15

Rapid City Ladies' MTB Group Rides

August 29

Rapid City Ladies' MTB Group Rides